Today is my last day as Communications Director at Good Sam. It's both an exciting day and a sad one. It's been an incredible journey with y'all over these past five years.
As your fellow sister in Christ, I am proud of all that we have done together, and not just in the field of communications, although I am also proud of what we've done: not just the new brand but the way our language has evolved so that we don't cling so tightly to Episcopal and Christian words that may mystify one unfamiliar with church. (Please, please keep using "lobby" instead of "narthex". I'll be eternally grateful.)
If I may toot my horn for a moment, I'd like to reflect on how far we've come:
- the brand: giving us the "love. be loved." hook on which to hang our strategic plan, be recognizable as us in all our materials
- a redesigned website (twice) aimed at people new to church (with a section with all the stuff members need to know)
- we entered the social media sphere with Facebook and kinda Twitter
- we can now RSVP for events online (yes, it's okay to click the link to say you can't make it!)
- we went from monthly to quarterly in our newsletter to help us to look ever forward and upward, as well as being reflective of our brand.
God is and has been calling me to something new and I need to sit in the pews (ok, the choir loft. I'm not giving up that or being a mentor for our confirmation program) to answer that call. This new call started last October, during a retreat, and I partially answered it by refocusing my blog, but I always knew God wanted me to do something more.
Both Chris and I discerned that I had to clear the decks to answer that call: to ask, to listen, to obey. I know I am incredibly privileged to not have to work and be able to spend this time in discernment. (We shall see how soon I go stir crazy.)
Something one of the bloggers I read said the other day, really spoke to me: "Saying no allows us to say yes to what is most true" (Christianne Squires). It is hard to say no. It is hard not to justify why I should do something. But saying no is what I'll be doing for the time being, until what is most true is discerned.
I know I'm leaving you in the excellent hands of Kieu and the rest of the staff. I am excited about Good Sam's future and to see what unfolds, walking with you in that journey.
See you Sunday.