Friday, November 30, 2012 loved.


by Beth Dugan

Two things were immediately endearing to me on my first visit at Good Samaritan Church on January 8, 2012. Somewhere I saw the simple words, loved.  Then, upon seeing my temporary nametag, a lady who introduced herself as Margaret asked if I was a visitor.  When I said I was, she very sweetly invited me to sit with her.  The frosting on the cake of this welcome was first in the church hall where the refreshments were abundant and delicious. Following the social hour I was invited to the annual luncheon meeting of the women’s group where it was declared first thing that any woman attending the church was automatically a member. 

I'd left the women’s meeting briefly on that first Sunday to refill my tea when I encountered the remarkable welcome of a woman who rushed from the kitchen into the otherwise vacant reception room in Roetter Hall to embrace me with remarkable grace and warmth, introducing herself as Ann.
Ever since the experience of being so welcomed I have felt like a part of the Good Sam family. I also began to volunteer now and then in the kitchen, which is a wonderful way to meet men and women alike who "feed the flock."

The true commitment of this loving family of faith was even more firmly reinforced when I was to have surgery. At the last minute the part of my support system for going to and from the hospital failed. I was out of town that Saturday afternoon before the early Tuesday surgery. One call to Ann was followed within the hour with her reply—a commitment by a church member who would provide transportation to and from the surgery as well as two days of care and more follow-up care. Because this helper could not be there with me the first night, Ann herself volunteered. Both women were wonderfully warm and caring with meeting my major needs then and until other help was available.  Both remain treasured friends. loved.  There is nothing more to say, though there is so much more that I could describe.